Saint John Ambulance Brigade- Commitee outing( 16 November 2009)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The committee members met up at sub centre with Ding Jun Sir for committee meeting. After the meeting everyone decided to went for lunch follow by singapore flyer and movies. We had lunch at Kopitiam( JP). Then took MRT to City Hall to s'pore flyer. Kokloon tried to ask for direction and transport, in the end misled us to UE square =.="
.Loh kokloon the one in white and black is trying to up skirt a chiobu(commented by sir) on the other capsule. Do not misunderstand, the one in blue yang fun is a righteous guy. He just trying to catch some air.

But due to time constraint we didn't manage to catch a movie. so in the end we just had our dinner at Suntec and homed.