Saint John Ambulance Brigade-Training (25th September Friday)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This Friday's training programme started off with the campfire rehearsal followed by Muster Parade. The Sec 1s measure their size for the uniform and accessories after that,the Footdrill Competition training. Sir Ding Jun praised the sec1s for their coordination good job.Finally we have our Recreation and Hari Raya celebrations(eating MacDonald).

Recreation Forfeit Spell SJAB with your BUTT.

HariRaya Celebration

"si min look here"

KokLoon the God of Food(食神)

Benjamin the hungry ghost(饿鬼)

Here comes the best part
Rumors and Gossips!!!

Minaung and Ying Ying
Walking together at the middle of the night

This is Taufiq and Baozhu
The Story(edited version):
Taufiq : Bao Zhu i ask u a question
BaoZhu: What?
Taufiq: You know horh last time the E.R.A house agent call me and ask
me if he can speak to the owner of the house.
Bao Zhu: Then?
Taufiq :I answer sorry Wrong number
BaoZhu(thinking after 10minutes): Ha Ha Ha Taufiq u so LAME .
But i like your SENSE OF HUMOR *Blush Blush*
Taufiq: Stunned*Blush* Aiyo so direct arh? erhh讨厌!

Maybe I'll Try posting everyone's photo one at a time
so that the seniors and alumni can know us better.