ST John Ambulance-First Aid competition(4th april 2009)

Friday, May 22, 2009

The annual First Aid competition held at Jurongville Secondary school was
a success.The competition ran very smoothly and manage to end in time .

Nursing Adults(1st runner up):

SGT Tan Yi Lian(commander)
SGT Alicia Low Mei Fang
SGT Ang Pei Qi
SGT Pang Tiew Tian

Ambulance cadet(2nd runner up):

PTE Xu Yang Fun(commander)
PTE LOh Kok Loon
PTE Aaron Sim Jie Hao
PTE See Jun Hao

Nursing Cadet(3rd runner up):

PTE Kok Pei Yi(commander)
PTE Lim Ai Yu
PTE Sally He Yi Man
PTE Tong Bao Zhu

Congratulations to all the price winners and participants. The JVS St John Ambulance had once again made the school proud by upholding the school values of Perseverance , Respect , Integrity, Discipline and Excellence.The participants had undergo a few weeks of tough and long trainings but none of us yield and eventually making a breakthrough in the competition.

The participants stood under the tyrant sun for uniform checks during first parade before proceeding to their respective venues.In the afternoon,the sky turns dark and footdrill was held in the school hall ,however it did not affect our performance.

Some of the Sec 1s are dressed up as casualties.Even though we are from the same corp,the sec1s did not alleviate us which pactice one of our school value - Integrity. A big thank you and we appreciate your work.

Thanks to all the volunteers from our corps by assisting us as Marshals.

Much oblige to all the staffs who had sacrificed their time guiding us along
and assist in the competition which had made it successful and happening .

  • SSGT Ong Li Hui(training first aid, footdrill and home nursing.Chief program coordinator officer)
  • SSGT Wong Chu Thing(training first aid, footdrill and home nursing.Logistic officer)
  • SSGT Cheah Ann Nee(training first aid,home nursing and footdrill.Admin officer)
  • SSGT Lim Hui Zhen(training footdrill,home nursing,command and first aid.program coordinator officer)
  • SSGT syafiqah(training footdrill,first aid,command.Assistant program coordinator officer)
  • SSGT Cheaw Kian Wei(training footdrill ,command and TOC. Chief Marshal)
  • SSGT Lee Yong Tai(training footdrill and TOC.Messing officer)

Lastly,Great job everyone !