St John Ambulance-BFA training(29th may 2009)

Friday, May 29, 2009

The sec1 and 2 cadets pack up and arrange the materials for the BFA lectures before it starts. At 2.30p.m, the CCAs-Girls Guides,NCC,NPCC,Chinese dance and drums assembled in the hall for the briefing by Ms Tan Poey Siang. Each CCA were separated into groups of two.

The sec1s are to help in taking attendance for the other CCAs while the sec 2 and 3 cadets assist in the practical(group 2).

The CCA groups proceed to their respective venues.Group 1 was in the AVA for the theory lecture conducted by SO(4)Sir Ang Ding Jun . Group 2 report to the classrooms for their Practical, the sec 2 and 3 cadets help out in the practical part.

The two groups' activities will be vice-versa.Reminder that tomorrow are to report before 9am in school attire and short pants.

Thanks to all the staffs( graduated/not graduated) that had help us in one way or another:

  • SSGT Wong Chu Thing
  • SSGT Cheaw Kian Wei
  • SSGT Cheah Ann Nee
  • SSGT Lee Yong Tai
  • SSGT Lim Hui Zhen